Our regular veterinary anesthesia equipment maintenance will help you get the best return on your investment and enhance your patient care.
If you perform surgeries at your veterinary clinic in or near Vancouver, British Columbia, your veterinary anesthesia equipment is probably one of the most important pieces of equipment you own. Making sure that this equipment is in top working order is essential to the comfort and wellbeing of your furry patients, as well as ensuring that they are as safe as possible while they are in your care.
At Georgian Anesthesia and Medical Corp., we offer regular veterinary anesthesia equipment maintenance, as well as a host of other veterinary equipment services. We highly recommend that you get veterinary anesthesia equipment maintenance at least once a year, although you may want to consider even more frequent intervals to ensure a longer life for your machines and the reliable performance that is critical to your success.
We can perform veterinary anesthesia equipment maintenance on both high-pressure systems and low-pressure systems:
- High-Pressure Systems: This service includes pressure testing and Snoop testing to look for possible leaks. We will also carefully check each connection and check the regulator to make sure that the 50-psi setting is properly maintained. Once we have completed this work, you will receive a full written report about what maintenance was performed and any issues we found.
- Low-Pressure Systems: This service includes pressure and Snoop testing all the hoses and connections. The APL valve and the one-way valves are cleaned, tested, and reseated. Testing is performed on the vaporizer/flowmeter/tubing section. The absorber is cleaned, and the soda lime is checked. Finally, the scavenge system will be checked for leaks. You will receive a full written report outlining the maintenance performed.
Our regular veterinary anesthesia equipment maintenance will help you get the best return on your investment and enhance your patient care. We will alert you if there are issues and make recommendations for replacement if we feel it is needed. Contact us to schedule this key service today.