We are knowledgeable about the equipment we offer, making us the ideal choice for veterinary equipment setup services.
While some veterinary equipment is as simple to start using as installing it and plugging it in, other equipment is much more complicated. At Georgian Anesthesia and Medical Corp., we not only deliver your new equipment to your Toronto, Ontario veterinary clinic or hospital, we also handle every facet of veterinary equipment setup so you can be confident when using it.
It is important to let a professional handle the veterinary equipment setup for anything that has a complex setup process so that it will perform as it should and give you reliable service. As a distributor for DRE new and refurbished veterinary medical equipment, you can utilize our installation and setup knowledge and the resources of the full medical team at DRE. You’ll always have someone to turn to should you have questions about the operation of your equipment or how to care for it properly so it continues to be dependable.
During veterinary equipment setup, we put the equipment in place and make any calibration changes or other adjustments necessary. We then put it through the paces to be sure it is functioning as it should. We also show you and your staff how to use the equipment if anyone is unfamiliar with the various features it has to offer.
Supporting you after the sale is just how we do business, because we focus on building a long-term relationship with our customers. Our customers always know they can turn to us for all their veterinary equipment, veterinary equipment setup, and maintenance needs. Call today to learn more.