A recent research report by Acumen Research and Consulting forecasts the global veterinary surgical instrument market to surge through 2026, with North America capturing the dominant share of this growth. If you operate a vet surgery centre, it is important to note the key reasons for this growth and make certain you have the surgical equipment, instruments, and handheld devices you need to handle the various types of surgery.
- Types of Vet Surgery – The areas of vet surgery that are expected to grow include soft tissue, cardiovascular, ophthalmic, dental, and orthopedic surgeries.
- Reasons for Growth – The trend is toward more acceptance of pets and stronger pet-human bonding, which results in more pet owners opting to proceed with surgery rather than euthanize their pet. More dental surgeries are expected due to a growing occurrence of oral diseases due to an increase in food borne, zoonotic diseases and bacterial infections. As pets are accepted in more public places, there is more chance to contract illnesses or experience accidental injuries that require surgery. As more people obtain pet insurance, there will be more vet surgery visits too. These are just a few of the reasons why a surge is expected.
If you would like to discuss whether your vet surgery centre is ready for growth and whether you need more or upgraded equipment such as respiratory ventilators, monitors, operating room lights, scales, anesthesia machines, wet tables, surgical instruments, ultrasound machines, and more, don’t hesitate to contact us at Georgian Anesthesia and Medical Corp. As a distributor of DRE new and refurbished veterinary medical equipment, we are confident we have everything you need to get your vet surgery centre ready.