At Georgian Anesthesia and Medical Corp., we are veterinary service professionals you can trust, and we are distributors for a wide range of different equipment options that can help you run your practice efficiently, safely, and effectively. Here are just a few equipment solutions you may want to consider to elevate the level of care you provide at your office or clinic.
First, the DRE Citadel EZ 120-watt electrical surgical unit is designed to allow light to moderate surgical procedures. This unit comes with a wide range of standard electrosurgical accessories, including a power cord, reusable electrode cable, electrosurgical tips, a bipolar adapter, and a reusable foot switch.
The multi-functional ESU also operates in several modes, including Forced Coag, Soft Coag, Pure Cut, Blend, and Bipolar. Additionally, this electrosurgical unit can operate strictly with a monopolar handpiece output, so veterinary professionals can pay complete attention to the surgical field while in use. While the DRE Citadel EZ is also available in a 160-watt unit, 120 watts is the right fit for 95% of facilities.
A few of the other exceptional products that may be beneficial for your veterinary clinic include the following:
- DRE ASG – 300 Electrosurgical Generator – This generator offers two cut modes, Cut I and Cut II, and allows two levels of coagulation: Pinpoint and Spray.
- ESU Cart – ValleyLab Force 2 Style (Biomedically Refurbished) – This economically priced ESU is an electrosurgical generator rolling cart that can easily be moved around on four caster wheels.
- ValleyLab Force FX units – If you are looking for up to 300 watts of power, we recommend one of these units.
For further information about the DRE Citadel EZ or any of the other equipment we mentioned, please reach out to us at Georgian Anesthesia and Medical Corp. We would be happy to help you equip your office with the latest veterinary equipment!