As healthcare continues to evolve and improve, two new professions have emerged in recent years. Today, many facilities seek to hire both a biomedical engineer and a biomedical technician. Although these terms seem interchangeable and some of their duties can overlap, their key responsibilities can differ greatly.
Here at Georgian Anesthesia and Medical Corp., our experienced team strives to ensure that every medical facility has both the staff and the high-quality equipment it needs to provide excellent treatment to its patients. In this article, we’d like to briefly go over the key differences between a biomedical technician and a biomedical engineer to help you better understand who to hire for your specific needs.
A biomedical technician is primarily responsible for maintaining and repairing medical equipment in hospitals, vet clinics, and other healthcare settings. They can also assist with maintaining different medical devices, including x-ray machines, pacemakers, dialysis machines, and more. If a piece of biomedical equipment malfunctions, a biomedical technician should be the first person to know. They should be able to efficiently inspect, repair, calibrate, and clean equipment as needed to restore its functionality and ensure that it will continue to operate properly. Another key part of their job is maintaining excellent records of their repair and maintenance work to ensure that your facility remains compliant with local regulations.
Biomedical engineers, on the other hand, are responsible for designing, testing, and helping produce new healthcare devices. They may assist with the research process and look for new ways to improve biomedical equipment while making sure each item meets safety and regulatory requirements. A biomedical engineer will usually work with a team of other clinicians, scientists, and technicians to develop and create new medical devices.