The Modulus SE anesthesia machine supplies set flows of medical gases to the breathing system. A large selection of gases, vaporizes, ventilators and monitors gives you control of your system’s configuration.
- Gases and VaporizersComes with O2 (two connections), N2O and air, plus one more cylinder connection for N2O or Heliox.
- Holds three vaporizers.
- Low leak rates, accurate flowmeters and a minimum proportion of O2 to N2O permit closed circuit and low-flow anesthesia.
Ventilators and Monitors
- Available with the 7900 ventilator, a microprocessor controlled ventilator with internal monitors, electronic PEEP, two modes of ventilation and a pressure waveform display.
- Available with the 7800 ventilator, a microprocessor controlled ventilator with internal monitors.
- The Modulus SE also accepts the Ohmeda Respiratory Gas Monitor or the Ohmeda Rascal II.
Ventilator Option 1: 7800
- Systems with the 7800 Ventilator use:
- The ventilator to monitor inspiratory O2, expiratory volume, and airway pressure.
- The system switch to start gas flow and to turn ON the ventilator.
- A pneumatic alarm for low O2 supply pressure.
- A battery in the ventilator to continue ventilator operation during a power failure.
- An outlet box to supply electrical power to system components. A transformer in the box supplies power for the light.
Ventilator Option 2: 7900
- Systems with the 7900 Ventilator use:
- The ventilator to monitor inspiratory O2, expiratory and inspiratory volumes, and airway pressure.
- The system switch to start gas flow and to turn ON the ventilator.
- An electronic alarm on the ventilator for low O2 supply pressure.
- A battery in the ventilator to continue ventilator operation during a power failure.
- Software that adjusts for changes in fresh gas flow, breathing circuit compliance, and leaks.
- An outlet box to supply electrical power to system components. A transformer in the box supplies power to the light.
- The 7900 Ventilator has two modes of mechanical ventilation. Each mode adjusts the output as necessary to supply the set breath:
- The pressure mode supplies constant pressure during inspiration.
- The volume mode supplies constant flow during inspiration.
Patient Data:
- Inspired O2 concentration.
- Exhaled tidal and minute volumes.
- Respiratory rate.
- Peak, mean, and plateau airway pressures.
- Airway pressure waveforms.
- High and low O2 concentration.
- High, low, sustained, and subatmospheric airway pressures.
- Volume apnea.
- High and low minute volume (exhaled).
- High and low tidal volume (exhaled).
- Reverse flow.
- The set breath was not supplied.
- Empty bellows.
- Incorrect control settings.
- Incorrect flow sensor connections.
Low Flow/Closed Circuit Anesthesia:
- Permits low-flow and closed-circuit anesthesia with:
- O2/N2O mixtures in 25%-75% proportions at O2 flows as low as 200 mL/min.
- Accurate flowtubes.
- Vaporizers with linear concentrations.
- Low leak rates.
- An absorber that uses less absorbent.
Pictured with Ohmeda Tec 5 Vaporizers and DRE Waveline Pro Monitor. Vaporizer(s) and monitor are optional and may be purchased separately.