The DRE Feline Spay Set includes each of the following instruments:
- Scalpel Handle No. 3, 12.5 cm — qty. 1
- Mayo Scissors, Straight, 17 cm — qty. 1
- Metzenbaum Scissors, B/B Curved, 18 cm — qty. 1
- Adson Brown Forceps, 12 cm — qty. 1
- Standard TIssue Forcep, Straight Tooth, 14.5 cm — qty. 1
- Halstead Mosquito Forceps, Curved, 12.5 cm — qty. 4
- Kelly Forceps, Curved, 14 cm — qty. 2
- Haemostatic Forceps, Curved, 16 cm — qty. 2
- Backhaus Towel Forceps, 9 cm — qty. 4
- Needle Holder, 14 cm — qty. 1
- Allis Foceps, 4X5 Tooth, 15.5 cm — qty. 1
- Snook Ovariectomy Hook — qty. 1
- Specific Instrument Case — qty. 1