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DRE (Avante Health Solutions) Equine X-Ray Generator

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The DRE (Avante Health Solutions) Equine X-Ray Generator is a high-frequency portable unit specifically designed for equine veterinary use. With automatically-compensating control systems, the DRE (Avante Health Solutions) Equine X-Ray Generator can operate in the office or in the field. The unit provides reliable imaging, even while using an extension cord.

The DRE (Avante Health Solutions) line of x-ray equipment can simplify your facility’s entire imaging process: acquisition, diagnosis, storage, transfer and maintenance. Speak with a DRE (Avante Health Solutions) representative today for more information on our complete line of veterinary x-ray equipment.


  • High detail in increments of 1 kV ranging from 40 to 90 kV.
  • Ultra-fast stifling in less than 0.05 seconds.
  • Automated control systems compensate for varying power conditions.
  • Reliable images in the office or out in the field.
  • Programmable memory settings to match your facility’s workflow.
  • Easy-to-use, soft touch controls and digital displays.
  • Lightweight body weighs in at only 16 pounds.yea,
  • Power cord measures 20 feet in length